Blues Bands

Directory of blues bands based in or related to Luxembourg. In case you miss a band or find an error, please send detailed information via the contact form.

Active blues bands

  1. 3 Guys With a Serious Case of da Blues
  2. BG & the Rebels
  3. Blues Impact (D)
  4. BluesRain (F)
  5. Bluesy Lips
  6. BMAD
  7. Bo & The Sox (F,L)
  8. Carl Wyatt & The Delta Voodoo Kings (F,L)
  9. CG & The Boys
  10. Chicken Head
  11. Chops ‘N’ Gravy (USA,F,L)
  12. Dan’ Cha’ & the b.a.d. Slang (B)
  13. Dog & Bone
  14. Empty Arms Blues Band
  15. Fred Barreto & Friends (L,F)
  16. Fred Barreto Group (L,D)
  17. Gaasserockbluesband
  18. Gerry Hundt Trio (USA,L)
  19. Johanna Red Band (F)
  20. Julian the Drifter (F)
  21. Kid Colling & Jeff Herr
  22. Kid Colling Cartel (L,F)
  23. Lazy Louis Blues Duo (B,L)
  24. Liquid Blues House Band
  25. Lou Tennant and the Nightcallers (L,BR)
  26. Pascal Karenbo & Les Garagistes (F,L)
  27. Ramblin’ South
  28. Remo Cavallini Band
  29. Rockin’ Dukes
  30. SAN-HO-ZAY
  31. Skinny Lee Blues Band
  32. Sneaky Pete
  33. The Bottlenecks
  34. The Coal Street MinOrs
  35. The Ferocious Few (USA,L)
  36. The Horse Blinders
  37. The Odd Blues Reunion
  38. The Rusty Chair
  39. The Winklepickers
  40. Thunder Road
  41. United

Former blues bands

  1. Blue Screw
  2. Blue Shade
  3. Blues Gangsters
  4. Blues, Women and Whiskey
  5. Cleanhead’s Factory
  6. Crossroads
  7. Dave White And The Mighty Vibrators (USA,L)
  8. Dr. Rain & The Umbrellas
  9. Eight Bar Blues Band
  10. Elo & The Bad Boys
  11. Greyhounds59 (D,L)
  12. Little Blues Band
  13. Malt & Blues
  14. Minett Blues Band
  15. Phoenix 84
  16. Renegade Dukes
  17. The Blues Bastards
  18. The Heritage Blues Company
  19. The Muddy Marauders