The Bottlenecks (BG,F,L) ). F.l.t.r.: Patrick Flamang, Pascal Cremer, Daniel Eiffener & Angel Georgiev. © 2024 by Sharon Schanet.
The Bottlenecks is a Bulgarian-French-Luxembourgish blues rock band founded in 2023 in Luxembourg.
In 2023, the Bottlenecks won the National Blues Contest of Luxembourg and have represented the country at the 12th European Blues Challenge in Braga, Portugal, in April 2024.
The Bottlenecks takes the audience on a trip from the 1950s to the 2020s with a fine range of selected cover tunes from great musicians like Little Walter, Muddy Waters, Big Walter Horton, Junior Wells, James Harman, Kim Wilson, Paul Lamb and Jason Ricci, filled with a lot of groovy and juicy harmonica and guitar licks.
Line-up (2024)
- Angel Georgiev (blues harp, vocals)
- Daniel Eiffener (guitar)
- Pascal Cremer (bass)
- Patrick ‘Petz’ Flammang (drums)